Aesthetic  Paper Plane
Doodle Teal Box

How to organise ​vocabulary ​notebooks

to remember new words better

Doodle Teal Box
Simple Bright Hand Drawn Remote Learning Study Space
Aesthetic  Paper Plane
Sketchy Squiggles
Doodle Teal Box
Doodle Teal Box

There is no ideal way to ​organise your vocabulary

In this presentation, you will find suggestions about how this can ​be done to help you memorise words better and make the ​process more accessible. However, as we are all different, you ​will have to find what works best for you by experimenting.

Sketchy Squiggles
School Notebook
Doodle Teal Box

Information to record about ​a word

  • part of speech
  • transcription
  • definition
  • translation
  • example of a sentence
  • synonyms / antonyms
  • picture / sketch
  • collocations
  • bits of grammar (what preposition it ​takes / what grammar pattern it ​belongs to)
Doodle Teal Box
School Pencil
Doodle Teal Box
Doodle Teal Box


You can also take part of a notebook and use it for organizing words ​into sections. Helpful pages or sections could have titles such as:

  • expressions with a keyword, such as get, go, make
  • e​xpressions in a situation, such as Taking people out for a meal
  • gre​etings, including leaving expressions (I really must be going.)
  • sen​tence adverbials used in writing (In contrast, In much the same way​)
  • say​ing what is coming next (What I think you should do is ...)
  • mis​understandings (That’s not quite what I meant / said)
  • che​cking common ground (Do you know how to ...? Have you ever use​d a ... ?)
  • my ​feelings (I didn’t know what to say. I was flabbergasted.)
  • exp​ressions of place (in the middle of the room, on both sides)
School Pencil
Doodle Teal Box

Organise words into groups by:

  • topics (food / jobs / colours / etc.)
  • parts of speech (verbs / nouns / adjectives)
  • situations (giving and asking for directions / offering ​help / etc.)
  • collocations with, for example, a noun plus a group of ​collocating verbs or adjectives

e.g. high / low / hot / cold / holiday / dry / rainy + season

  • semi-fixed expressions

e.g. make somebody do something

  • fully fixed expressions together with translation

e.g. Help yourself! - Пригощайся!

Doodle Teal Box
School Marker
Sketchy Squiggles
Sketchy Squiggles
Doodle Teal Box
Doodle Teal Box

Examples of recording collocations

Sketchy Squiggles
Doodle Teal Box
Doodle Teal Box

Examples of recording semi-fixed expressions

Sketchy Squiggles
Sketchy Squiggles
Doodle Teal Box
Doodle Teal Box

Vocabulary mind maps

Sketchy Squiggles
Sketchy Squiggles
Doodle Teal Box
Doodle Teal Box

your turn

Below you will find ready-made ​worksheets to use for organising your ​lexis.

You can print them out and use them ​as templates or you can organise your ​notebooks in a similar way.

Sketchy Squiggles
Colourful Abstract Free Flowing Doodle

New Vocabulary






Colourful Abstract Free Flowing Doodle Arrow

Vocabulary Recording Sheet

Solid Star
Solid Star


part of speech


register and dialect

Dictionary Book Icon


High Importance





common mistakes

Decorative Pastel Hearts Border
Decorative Pastel Hearts Border
Decorative Pastel Hearts Border
Decorative Pastel Hearts Border
Abstract Shape


Vocabulary graphic organizer

Abstract Shape
Abstract Shapes Illustration



Rectangle Shape Vector



Rectangle Shape Vector

Part of Speech

Abstract Oblong Shape

My Sentence

Pastel Isometric Pencils
Decorative Pastel Hearts Border
Decorative Pastel Hearts Border
Yellow Highlight Line  Stroke Decoration

Mind map

Write a topic you'd like to learn in the center. Then, brainstorm ​topics related to it and write related words around ​subtopics.

Sub topic
Sub topic
Yellow Highlight Line  Stroke Decoration
Yellow Highlight Line  Stroke Decoration
Yellow Highlight Line  Stroke Decoration
Doodle Ellipse Illustration
Doodle Ellipse Illustration
Hand Drawn Swirly Arrow
Hand Drawn Up Arrow
Doodle Circle Illustration
Drawn Right Arrow
Drawn Right Arrow
Drawn Right Arrow
Drawn Right Arrow
Drawn Right Arrow
Drawn Right Arrow
Hand Drawn Curly Arrow
Hand Drawn Right Arrow
Sub topic
Sub topic
Yellow Highlight Line  Stroke Decoration
Yellow Highlight Line  Stroke Decoration
Hand Drawn Down Arrow
Highlight Oval Illustration
Doodle Ellipse Illustration
Yellow Highlight Line  Stroke Decoration
Sub topic
Hand Drawn Oval Illustration
Drawn Right Arrow
Drawn Right Arrow
Drawn Right Arrow
Drawn Right Arrow
Drawn Right Arrow
Drawn Right Arrow
Drawn Right Arrow
Drawn Right Arrow
School Notebook
School Alarm Clock
Sketchy Squiggles
School Marker
Sketchy Squiggles
Doodle Teal Box
Sketchy Squiggles
Doodle Teal Box

May you memorize ​new words quickly ​and easily

Sketchy Squiggles
School Laptop
School File Case
School Pencil
Sketchy Squiggles